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MKC at Toyomura Azumori sensei Seminar (Singapore)

On February 11 & 12, Singapore Kendo Club hosted Toyomura Azumori sensei's seminar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Mother- son Manila Kendo Club representatives Elvira Inoue and Yuta Inoue attended the seminar with Verns Buckley Chongbian (Iga Kendo Club), Gek Cagatan (Iga Kendo Club) and Mike Logarta (Cebu Kendo Club). Read more about it!

(left to right) Yuta Inoue, Elvira Inoue, Toyomura Azumori sensei, Verns Buckley Chongbian, Gek Cagatan and Mike Logarta.

Toyomura Azumori sensei (8 Dan Hanshi) shared his insights on Keiko, Shiai and Shinsa.

He discussed the essence and importance of Kendo training.

"Each person has (their) own idea for Kendo and there is no single answer for progress", said Toyomura sensei, sharing his Kendo Philosophy.

(left to right) Mike Logarta, Verns Buckley Chongbian, David Yeo sensei (7 Dan), Jonathan Cross sensei, Yuta Inoue, Elvira Inoue and Gek Cagatan.

To our member's delight, our representatives reunited with Jonathan Cross sensei during the seminar.

Jonathan Cross sensei was with Manila Kendo Club in early 2010s until he transferred to Australia.

Group photo with the attendees

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